Every shelter dog dreams of finding a family with whom to share the crisp fall air, but the sad truth is that not all dogs who enter shelters will find a forever home.

In 2023 alone, 3.3 MILLION Dogs will enter shelters, and it’s estimated that 670,000 of them will be euthanized. These shelters are often faced with difficult choices, and are absolutely overflowing with dogs in need of homes in many cases.
Overcrowding is a dire issue these shelters are often left to deal with – and we want to help.
Help A Shelter Dog With A Halloween Bracelet
Casper’s Rescue Shop was founded with an important goal in mind – HELP SHELTER DOGS.
We feed up to 7 Shelter Dogs for each bracelet ordered. Yes – a simple (but beautiful) bracelet not only raises awareness but feeds shelter dogs, too.

Each Limited Edition Halloween Bracelet is not only a great way to get into the spirit of fall, but it helps shelter dogs, too. Whether By raising awareness and also contributing to shelters in need, it’s more than just a bracelet.
Please Wear A Halloween Bracelet To Support Shelter Dogs
We want every dog advocate to show their support with a Limited Edition Halloween Bracelet.

We feel so strongly about it, in fact, we’re giving away FREE BRACELETS.
We’re also having a SALE. Up to 50% OFF every item for a Limited Time.

Receive BOTH Gifts With Your $99+ Order
Ready To Make A Purchase With Purpose?
Please take 3 minutes to select a bracelet. Select a bracelet below for fast checkout, or browse Casper’s entire selection by clicking “View All”!