2018 was the first year opening our store, and we are so proud of the difference we’ve made so far, all with your help. With every product purchased in our store, we’re able to donate to help feed shelter dogs. In 2018, we donated to four non-profits that strive to help shelter dogs, and we cannot wait to see what 2019 brings.
We always look to donate to organizations where the donations can make the largest impact in helping shelter dogs in need. So far, we think we’ve chosen four great non-profit organizations, all with their own individual missions and visions for caring for dogs. All organizations are United States based, with some looking to help dogs on a global level, while others help dogs within their local communities.
In 2018, We Donated To:

About the Non-Profits:
- Hearts and Tails Animal Alliance: is an all volunteer organization, where 100% of the donations go directly to helping animals. Their mission is: “to eliminate the euthanasia of adoptable animals by providing rescue and re-homing assistance where the size of a stray population has exceeded a local community’s ability to control; providing post-disaster response assistance to displaced animals; to promote the prevention of cruelty to animals; and to foster the human-animal bond.” Currently, they are focused on helping homeless dogs in Puerto Rico.
- The Rescue Crew: is an animal rescue organization that, “strives to prevent the unnecessary euthanasia of companion animals by finding them loving forever homes.” While they rescue companion animals of all sizes, ages breeds, and conditions, The Rescue Crew, “will always maintain focus on helping one of the least adopted and most euthanized breeds in the country – the ‘pit bull-type’ dog or ‘bully breed.'” Their mission statement is: “We are here to help save the lives of companion animals in need. Those who are homeless; the abused or abandoned; the neglected and unloved, and to show them human compassion and kindness, ultimately helping them become valued family members in a loving home.”
- Underdog Rescue: is a pet rescue rehabilitation and placement organization. According to one of their Facebook posts, they’ve rescued over 900 dogs in 2018 alone! They state in their mission that they are a,
“foster-based rescue group dedicated to the rehabilitation and permanent placement of homeless dogs and cats of all ages and all breeds.” - The Animal Foundation: is the highest volume single-site animal shelter in America. The Animal Foundation takes in every animal who comes to them in need, no matter how sick or injured. “The Animal Foundation’s lifesaving programs are designed to address the root causes of pet overpopulation and homelessness and include: adoptions, low-cost spay/neuter, microchipping and vaccination services; lost & found pets; Community Cats; and more.” Their mission states: “We envision a humane and compassionate community for all animals. Our mission at The Animal Foundation is to save the lives of all healthy and treatable animals in the Las Vegas valley.”
Please feel free to contact us at any time, and we would be happy to provide documentation of donations. If you would like to contact the animal shelters directly, all donations have been made under our parent company, Mediasaurus, LLC.
We always love to hear of suggestions on where to donate to help dogs in need; feel free to contact us at any time. If you are a shelter, you can fill out our Animal Shelter Partner Application.
Pounds of dog food donated is an estimation based on monetary donations. You can read our How We Donate and Terms of Service pages for information on how we estimate pounds of dog food donated.